Reprographic Photo Prints are perfect for high end photographic printing.  These prints are a premium option for photographers and photo realism artists looking to showcase and sell their work to hotels, museums, galleries, as well as at arts and craft festivals. 


  • 12 Color Reprographic Print
  • Printed on a 260gsm luster finish photo paper with a microporous coating.
  • High durability due to heavy weight. 
  • Greater contrast and wider color gamut than other non Epson print shops.
  • Satin finish imparts a more natural look to images that feature facial close-ups and minimizes the risk of glare on prints under bright lights.
  • Instant-dry, microporous inkjet coating resists smudges and fingerprints and has a short dry time before laminating


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Total : $88.00

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Estimated Total : $88.00